engelska-finska översättning av housing

  • asuntoAsunto- ja aluepolitiikka (äänestys) Housing and regional policy (vote) Kyse on siitä, kenelle asunto on osoitettava. The issue concerned is who is to be allocated housing?
  • asuntomarkkinat
  • asuntopulaSe on myös epäoikeudenmukaista, sillä asuntopula on polttava tietyissä suurkaupungeissa myös muissa jäsenvaltioissa. It is also unjustifiable because the housing crisis is very urgent in certain big cities in the other Member States as well. Niihin vaikuttavat ongelmat, kuten köyhyys ja sosiaalinen syrjäytyminen, työttömyys, asuntopula, rikollisuus ja huumausaineiden käyttö, ovat kuitenkin valtavia ja vaativat suurta huomiota. However, the problems that affect them, including poverty and social exclusion, unemployment, housing shortages, crime and drug consumption, are huge and require careful attention. Tämän lisäksi tuhannet, hyvin usein nuoret mielenosoittajat, ovat esittäneet voimakkaita sosiaalisia vaatimuksia tällä alueella, jota vaivaa hyvin korkea työttömyys, köyhyys ja asuntopula. In addition, thousands of demonstrators, often very young, turned out to demand important social measures in this region, which has been hard hit by unemployment, poverty and even a housing shortage.

Definition av housing

  • The activity of enclosing something or providing a residence for someone
  • A mechanical component's container or covering
  • A cover or cloth for a horse's saddle, as an ornamental or military appendage; a saddlecloth; a horse cloth; in plural, trappings
  • The space taken out of one solid to admit the insertion of part of another, such as the end of one timber in the side of another
  • That portion of a mast or bowsprit which is beneath the deck or within the vessel


  • We are housing the companys servers in Florida.
  • She lives in low-income housing.
  • The gears were grinding against their housing.

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