engelska-svenska översättning av trial

  • rättegången
    Även misstänkta förbrytare har rätt till en rättvis rättegång.Even suspected criminals are entitled to fair trials. De har inte fått en rättvis rättegång.They did not get a fair trial. Hans rättegång var helt enkelt en bluff.In short, his trial was a sham.
  • testettDe gäller test som inte med framgång har utvärderats i randomiserade kontrollerade försök.They refer to tests that have not been successfully evaluated in randomised controlled trials. Vi måste investera i forskning och tester för utveckling av vaccin mot aids.We need to invest in research and trials for the development of AIDS vaccines.
  • tretalenTar du dina tre femmor på femmor eller på tretal?
  • trialis
  • processen
    Ändå så uppmanar vi till en öppen process i en civil domstol.But we are pressing for a public trial before a civil court. En annan process som däremot inte har avslutats är den så kallade 31-processen.There is another trial, however, which has not yet been concluded, the so-called '31 Trial' . Han tänkte kanske på Al-Sadaouis process. Han tänkte kanske på Ibrahimis process, också i Egypten.Perhaps he was thinking of the trial of Nawal El Sadaawi, or perhaps of the trial of Mr Ibrahimi, also in Egypt.
  • prov-
  • provisorisk
  • prövningenKriget var en svår prövning för oss i Europa.In Europe we suffered the trials of the war. – Herr talman! Politiken är en prövning, och vi vill behålla vår trovärdighet.Mr President, politics is a trial, and we want to remain credible. Det heter EDCTP och är ett samarbete med länderna i södra Afrika som rör klinisk prövning.It is called the EDCTP. It is the clinical trials partnership with the sub-Saharan countries.
  • test-
  • tillfällig
  • trialWe are on trial: det är inte rådet som prövas i dag, utan parlamentet.We are the ones on trial: it is not the Council that is being put to the test today but Parliament. Det här uttalandet var för mig en viktig utgångspunkt när jag bestämde hur jag skulle förhålla mig till the clinical trial directive .This pronouncement was an important starting-point for me in deciding where I stood on the clinical trials directive.

Definition av trial

  • An opportunity to test something out; a test
  • Appearance at judicial court in order to be examined
  • A tryout to pick members of a team
  • A piece of ware used to test the heat of a kiln
  • Pertaining to a trial or test
  • To carry out a series of tests on before marketing or implementing it
  • To try out in a sports team
  • Characterized by having three components
  • Pertaining to a language form referring to three of something, like people; contrast ''singular'', ''dual'and ''plural''. (See for an example


  • They will perform the trials for the new equipment next week.
  • That boy was a trial to his parents.
  • soccer trials
  • The warning system was extensively trialed before being fitted to all our vehicles
  • The team trialled a new young goalkeeper in Saturdays match, with mixed results
  • No language has a trial number unless it has a dual.

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