engelska-finska översättning av possibly

  • mahdollisestiMahdollisesti me voisimme äänestää siitä nyt. Possibly we could have a vote on it now. Direktiivillä muutetaan mahdollisesti osittain sääntelyä. This directive possibly changes part of the regulation. Mahdollisesti ei, mutta sitä olisi pitänyt kokeilla. Possibly not, but we still ought to have tried.
  • ehkäMinun mielestäni ehkä ja luultavasti jälkimmäisen. I think possibly and probably the latter. Ehkä hän sittenkin tunsi olevansa jäävi. I suggest that he did possibly feel compromised. Luulen, että olemme ehkä ymmärtäneet toisemme väärin. I think we have possibly not understood one another.
  • mahdollisesti mitenkään
  • mitenkäänEhdotusta ei voida mitenkään hyväksyä. It cannot possibly go forward. Nämä joukot eivät mitenkään voi olla puolueettomia. These troops cannot possibly be neutral. Ihmettelen täysin vilpittömästi, miten kukaan voisi mitenkään vastustaa sitä. In all honesty I wonder how anyone could possibly oppose it.

Definition av possibly


  • Possibly, they will make gains in the midterm elections.
  • It was possibly the costliest mistake in the organizations history.
  • This rare and possibly unique specimen must be conserved.
  • Im much stronger than you, so you cant possibly win.
  • I couldnt possibly be there on time.
  • I couldnt possibly cheat on my wife.
  • It seems unlikely, but, yes, they could possibly win even now.
  • The police dont know him, and the information they have leads them to think he could possibly have murdered his wife.

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