danska-engelska översättning av skulle

  • shouldThis should be done in stages. Vejen mod dette mål skulle foregå i etaper. Perhaps they should get married! Måske skulle de gifte sig med hinanden! I detailed how this should happen. Jeg præciserede, hvordan dette skulle ske.
  • have to
    Why should it have to do anything else? Hvorfor skulle den handle anderledes? I just have to have that shirt;  you have to wear a seat beltthat has to be the postman;  it has to be an electrical fault
  • must
    We must tackle this idea head on. Vi skulle tilbage til dette frontalsammenstød. Our debate will and must continue. Vor diskussion vil fortsætte og vil skulle fortsætte. We must not hide our faces, that is the point. Ikke at skulle bære slør, det er det, det handler om.
  • shall
    We shall have to guarantee compatibility. Vi vil skulle sørge for kompatibilitet. And we shall have to fight for that new element. Og vi vil skulle kæmpe for dette nye. We shall be facing a labour shortage in the Union. EU vil skulle løse et problem med manglende arbejdskraft.

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