engelska-portugisiska översättning av take

  • tomar
    Que atitude vamos tomar agora?What action shall we now take? Como iremos nós tentar tomar posição? How are we to take a view on this? Devemos até tomar decisões mais ousadas. We must take even bolder decisions.
  • aguentarEu digo apenas o seguinte: nós já não podemos aguentar mais um Governo que falhou quatro vezes ao longo de dois anos. I would just say the following: we cannot take another government that has failed four times in two years. Não sabem que os novos Estados-Membros estão a tornar-se um terreno experimental para os antigos 15 Estados-Membros testarem quanto as pessoas podem aguentar? Do you not know that the new Member States are becoming an experimental terrain for the original 15 Member States, in order to test how much more people can take?
  • tomadaImpõe­se a tomada de acções mais enérgicas. We have to take tougher action. Penso que a decisão de intervir militarmente está tomada. I believe that the decision to take action has been made. Peço que sejam tomadas medidas apropriadas neste sentido.Please could you take suitable action here.
  • aceitarRazão pela qual não o posso aceitar agora. That is why I cannot take it now. Vamos, então, aceitar este desafio! Let us then take up this challenge! Lamento muito, mas apenas posso aceitar a primeira proposta.I am sorry. I take your first point.
  • agarrarTemos de agarrar a oportunidade. This is a chance we should take. A Europa deverá agarrar estas oportunidades e fá-lo-á. Europe should take those opportunities and Europe will take those opportunities. Por vezes, porém, necessitamos de agarrar a nossa coragem com ambas as mãos e antecipar os verdadeiros desafios. Sometimes, however, you need to take your courage in both hands and anticipate the real challenges.
  • carregarO sistema recusa-se a carregar e não consigo dar-lhes qualquer previsão de quanto tempo ainda poderá demorar. The system is refusing to load and I cannot tell you how long it may take. Temos de investir rapidamente nesta parte do Usbequistão sob pena de carregar uma pesada responsabilidade perante este povo em perigo. We rapidly need to take action in this part of Uzbekistan if we do not wish to bear a heavy responsibility for these stricken peoples. As mulheres não podem limitar­se a "carregar metade do céu", devem também ter o direito de assumir as suas responsabilidades pelas decisões na terra. Women should not only be "half of heaven" but should also be entitled to take their share of responsibility for decisions which affect our entire planet.
  • darQue passos próximos se irão dar? Which steps will they take next? Temos agora de dar o próximo passo. Now we need to take the next step. Temos, hoje de dar três passos. Today, we need to take three steps.
  • durarConcordo como o Presidente Winkler quando diz que o Inverno não pode durar eternamente em Minsk. I take Mr Winkler’s view: winter cannot last forever in Minsk. Essa discussão vai ainda durar alguns meses. Those talks are going to take a few more months yet. Quanto tempo pensa a Comissão que durará essa operação? How long does the Commission estimate that such an exercise could take?
  • embarcar– Senhor Presidente, Senhoras e Senhores Deputados, ontem, antes de embarcar no meu avião para vir a Bruxelas hoje, gritei, como sempre “Ao ataque, reformados!”. Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, before boarding my flight yesterday to come to Brussels today, I shouted out ‘Pensioners, take a stand!’, as I always do. Como podem ouvir, a atitude da Comissão perante este relatório é tomá­lo a peito e embarcar no programa de reformas que hoje estamos a discutir. As you can hear, the attitude of the Commission to this annual report is to take it to its heart and to start embarking upon the reform programme we are discussing today. A Europa não pode embarcar no exercício de apontar o dedo à China por medo, nem pode alinhar numa competição sem princípios evitando métodos e critérios de interesse próprio de Beijing. Europe cannot start pointing the finger at China out of fear, nor can it afford to take part in an unprincipled competition avoiding methods and criteria that are in Beijing's own interest.
  • entregarTerei de voltar e entregar ao dirigente do meu partido uma mensagem que não é favorável. I will have to take back to my party leader a message that is not a good one. O problema era o de saber se devíamos ou não entregar os nossos funcionários à justiça. The problem was deciding whether or not we should take our officials to court. Não podemos entregar ao sector privado toda a responsabilidade pela informação sobre o euro. We cannot leave it to the private sector to take full responsibility for information on the euro.
  • enviarPenso que este facto esbate a mensagem que pretendemos enviar. In my view, this takes away from the message. Por que razão leva quatro meses e meio a enviar uma missão de inquérito? Why does it take four and a half months to send a fact-finding mission? É esta a mensagem que tenciono enviar ao meu eleitorado. That is the message I intend to take to my electorate.
  • escolherÉ uma lista que nunca mais acaba - é só escolher. The list is endless - take your pick. Quando não é possível atingir o que é óptimo, há que escolher o que é bom. If you can't get the best, take what is good. Agora a União Europeia tem de escolher, tem de tomar partido. At this point the European Union is being asked to choose, to take sides.
  • levarIsso vai com certeza levar tempo. That will certainly take time. Alguém pode levar isto a sério? Can anyone take this seriously? Isso levará, sem dúvida, tempo.That, inevitably, will take time.
  • pegarNão é um documento que se possa pegar ou largar. It is not something you can take or leave. É evidente que temos de pegar na questão dos direitos humanos... We obviously have to take up human rights... Por conseguinte, preferimos pegar a largar.Therefore we will take it rather than leave it.
  • ponto de vistaEspero que este ponto de vista mereça o acordo deste Parlamento. I hope that Parliament takes the same view. O Conselho demonstrou partilhar do mesmo ponto de vista. The Council has shown that it takes the same view. . – Senhor Presidente, tenho um ponto de vista um pouco mais crítico. . – Mr President, I take a rather more critical view.
  • proverQuando antigamente visitávamos uma biblioteca, deparávamos com impressionantes fileiras de livros que podíamos retirar das estantes, fazer prover de carimbo com a data e seguidamente levar para casa. In the past, when you went to a library, there were impressive long rows of books that you could take off the shelf, have stamped and take away with you.
  • rendimentoQuanto mais pequenos são os rendimentos do cidadão, proporcionalmente, maior é a parte dos impostos indirectos sobre os rendimentos que este paga. The smaller a person's income, the more indirect taxation takes, in relative terms, from that income. Temos de tomar uma iniciativa legislativa em matéria de fixação de um rendimento mínimo e de organizar o financiamento... We must take a legislative initiative on minimum income and organise the financing ... Ou seja, basta tomar medidas no plano comunitário para combater a fuga aos impostos sobre o rendimento? In other words, is it enough to take measures against tax evasion on interest income at EU level?
  • suprir
  • terA votação terá lugar na terça-feira. The vote will take place on Tuesday. A votação terá lugar de imediato. The vote will take place next. Isto são factores que devemos ter em conta. We must take that into account.
  • tirarTemos de tirar partido desta oportunidade. We must take advantage of this opportunity. Como é possível tirar algo que não é nosso? How could you take something that is not yours? A UE está a tirar aos pobres e a dar aos ricos. The EU takes from the poor and gives to the rich.
  • violarPedir-lhe-ia o favor de não violar as disposições do Regimento para usar da palavra. I would ask you not to abuse the Rules of Procedure in order to take the floor. Temos de condenar e de combater qualquer tentativa de restringir ou violar essa liberdade, onde quer que isso se verifique. We must therefore condemn, and combat, any attempt to restrict it or violate it, wherever it takes place. Quais são as medidas que o Conselho tenciona adoptar em relação às autoridades israelitas, as quais, de forma imperturbável, continuam a violar o direito internacional? What measures will the Council take vis-à-vis the Israeli authorities, who continue to violate international law untroubled?
  • violentar

Definition av take


  • They took Charltons gun from his cold, dead hands
  • Ill take that plate off the table
  • take the guards prisoner
  • take prisoners
  • After a bloody battle, they were able to take the city
  • took ten catfish in one afternoon
  • Billy took her pencil
  • take a toll
  • take revenge
  • took the next two tricks
  • took Smiths rook
  • took third place
  • took bribes
  • The camera takes 35mm film
  • The store doesnt take checks
  • She wouldnt take any money for her help
  • Do you take credit?
  • The vending machine only takes bills, it doesnt take coins
  • take my advice
  • take a wife
  • The school only takes new students in the fall
  • The therapist wouldnt take him as a client
  • take two eggs from the carton
  • The earthquake took many lives
  • The plague took rich and poor alike
  • Cancer took her life
  • He took his life last night
  • take one from three and you are left with two
  • Dont try to take that guy. Hes bigger than you
  • The woman guarding us looks like a professional, but I can take her!
  • He took her hand in his
  • Take whichever bag you like
  • She took the best men with her and left the rest to garrison the city
  • Ill take the blue plates
  • Ill take two sugars in my coffee, please
  • She took his side in every argument
  • take a stand on the important issues
  • She took her sword with her everywhere she went
  • Ill take the plate with me
  • The next bus will take you to Metz
  • I took him for a ride
  • I took him down to London
  • These stairs take you down to the basement
  • Stone Street took us right past the store
  • She took the steps two or three at a time/
  • He took the curve / corner too fast
  • The pony took every hedge and fence in its path
  • He took her to lunch at the new restaurant, took her to the movies, and then took her home
  • take the ferry
  • I took a plane
  • He took the bus to London, and then took a train to Manchester
  • Hes 96 but he still takes the stairs
  • She took a condo at the beach for the summer
  • He took a full-page ad in the Times
  • They took two magazines
  • I used to take The Sunday Times
  • take two of these and call me in the morning
  • take the blue pill
  • I take aspirin every day to thin my blood
  • The general took dinner at seven oclock
  • take sun-baths
  • take a shower
  • She made the decision to take chemotherapy
  • She takes pride in her work
  • I take offence at that
  • to take a dislike
  • to take pleasure in his opponents death
  • took a pay cut
  • take a joke
  • The hull took a lot of punishment before it broke
  • I can take the noise, but I cant take the smell
  • That truck bed will only take two tons
  • She took a vacation to France but spent the whole time feeling miserable that her husband couldnt be there with her
  • Arent you supposed to take your math final today?
  • Despite my misgivings, I decided to take a meeting with the Russian lawyer
  • The ship took a direct hit and was destroyed
  • Her career took a hit
  • He had to take it apart to fix it.
  • She took down her opponent in two minutes.
  • He took the news badly
  • took the decision to close its last remaining outlet
  • took a dim view of city officials
  • Dont take my comments as an insult
  • if she took my meaning
  • He took all the credit for the project, although he had done almost none of the work
  • She took the blame, in the publics eyes, although the debacle was more her husbands fault than her own
  • take her word for it
  • take him at his word
  • take it from her comments she wont be there
  • I took him to be a person of honor
  • He was often taken to be a man of means
  • Do you take me for a fool?
  • Do you take me to be stupid?
  • Looking at him as he came into the room, I took him for his father
  • Im not sure what moral to take from that story
  • As I Lay Dying" takes its title from Book XI of Homers "Odyssey
  • took a chill
  • took her fancy
  • took her attention
  • cloth that takes dye well
  • paper that takes ink
  • the leather that takes a certain kind of polish
  • It takes a while to get used to the smell
  • Looks like its gonna take a taller person to get that down
  • Finishing this on schedule will take a lot of overtime
  • He took a seat in the front row
  • Hunting that whale takes most of his free time
  • His collection takes a lot of space
  • The trip will take about ten minutes
  • He took that opportunity to leave France
  • take a walk
  • take action/steps/measures to fight drug abuse
  • take a trip
  • take aim
  • take the tempo slowly
  • The kick is taken from where the foul occurred
  • Pirès ran in to take the kick
  • The throw-in is taken from the point where the ball crossed the touch-line
  • took the form of a duck
  • took shape
  • a god taking the likeness of a bird
  • take the part of the villain/hero
  • take office
  • take the throne
  • he took the oath of office last night
  • the witness took the stand
  • the next team took the field
  • go down two blocks and take the next left
  • take the path of least resistance
  • take cover/shelter/refuge
  • take her pulse / temperature / blood pressure
  • take a census
  • He took a mental inventory of his supplies
  • She took careful notes
  • She took a video of their encounter
  • Could you take a picture of us?
  • The police took his fingerprints
  • The photographer will take you sitting down
  • to take a group/scene
  • took me for ten grand
  • As a child, she took ballet
  • I plan to take math, physics, literature and flower arrangement this semester
  • take matters as they arise
  • Ive had a lot of problems recently: take last Monday, for example. My car broke down on the way to work. Then ... etc
  • Hell probably take this one
  • This verb takes the dative; that verb takes the genitive
  • The function takes two arguments, an array of size n and an integer k
  • My husband and I have a dysfunctional marriage. He just takes and takes; he never gives
  • the dye didnt take
  • Boiling pasta with a bit of the sauce in the water will help the sauce "take
  • not all grafts take
  • I started some tomato seeds last spring, but they didnt take
  • They took ill within 3 hours
  • She took sick with the flu
  • He took me a blow on the head
  • He wants half of the take if he helps with the job
  • The mayor is on the take
  • Whats your take on this issue, Fred?
  • a new take on a traditional dish
  • Its a take
  • Act seven, scene three, take two
  • did a double-take and then a triple-take
  • I did a take when I saw the new car in the driveway

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