engelska-svenska översättning av challenge

  • utmanaVem skulle kunna utmana en sådan ambition?Who could challenge such an ambition? Jag vill rent ut utmana dem att göra det.I want to challenge them outright to do so. Du behöver inte utmana mig Bruno Gollnisch.Mr Gollnisch, you do not need to challenge me.
  • utmaningen
    Detta är en utmaning, men det är en utmaning som vi måste möta.This is a challenge, but it is a challenge which must be met. Detta är den utmaning vi står inför.This is the challenge we face. Det blir definitivt en utmaning!That will be quite a challenge!
  • jävett
  • ifrågasättaTillåt oss att ifrågasätta det påståendet.Let us challenge this statement. Den nuvarande situationen för den inre marknaden måste kunna ifrågasättas.Its current situation needs to be challenged. Ingen kan förvisso ifrågasätta behovet av information.Surely no-one could challenge the need for information.
  • uppmana
    Parlamentet kommer att uppmana er att göra detta om det skulle behövas.Parliament will challenge you to do so if need be. Jag vill uppmana er att bekräfta att tre centrala saker skall uträttas under ert ordförandeskap.I would like to challenge you to make three key assurances about your presidency. Europaparlamentet kan inte uppmanas att stödja något som är öppet för rättsliga invändningar.The European Parliament cannot be asked to endorse something which is open to legal challenge.

Definition av challenge

  • A confrontation; a dare
  • A difficult task, especially one that the person making the attempt finds more enjoyable because of that difficulty
  • The opening and crying of hounds at first finding the scent of their game
  • To invite to take part in a competition
  • To dare#Verb|dare (someone
  • To dispute (something
  • To make a formal objection to a juror
  • To censure; to blame
  • To question or demand the countersign from (one who attempts to pass the lines
  • To object to the reception of the vote of, e.g. on the ground that the person is not qualified as a voter


  • a challenge to the kings authority
  • Consanguinity in direct line is a challenge for a judge when he or she is sitting cases
  • Were still waiting to hear how the court rules on our challenge of the arbitrator based on conflict of interest
  • We challenged the boys next door to a game of football
  • to challenge the accuracy of a statement or of a quotation
  • The sentinel challenged us with "Who goes there?

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