engelska-eesti översättning av library
- raamatukogufraktsiooni IND/DEM nimel. - (EN) Härra juhataja, Briti Raamatukogu juured ulatuvad tagasi 1753. aastasse. on behalf of the IND/DEM Group. - Mr President, the British Library has roots going back to 1753. Tegelikult peame tegema kõik, mis meie võimuses, et toetada oma enda digitaalset raamatukogu. In fact, we must do all we can to support our own digital library. Virtuaalse Euroopa raamatukogu loomise idee sai alguse 2000. aastal. It was in 2000 that the idea of creating a virtual European library was launched.
- arhiivNagu me kõik teame, ei ole Europeana ainult raamatukogu, vaid ka virtuaalne muuseum ja arhiiv. As we all know, it is not only a library, for it is also a virtual museum and archive. Mida tähendab Europeana? See on meie Euroopa kultuuripärandi digitaalne raamatukogu, digitaalne muuseum ja digitaalne arhiiv. It is a digital library, a digital museum and a digital archive for our European cultural heritage.
- teek
Definition av library
- An institution which holds books and/or other forms of media for use by the public or qualified people often lending them out, as well as providing various other services for its users
- Any institution that lends out its goods for use by the public or a community
- An equivalent collection of analogous information in a non-printed form, e.g. record library
- A collection of software routines that provide functionality to be incorporated into or used by a computer program
- A collection of DNA material from a single organism or relative to a single disease
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