engelska-svenska översättning av break

  • bryta
    Tillsammans måste vi bryta den.Together, we have to break it. Det är dags att bryta detta kretslopp.It is time to break this cycle. Det är dags att bryta dödläget.It is time to break the deadlock.
  • gå sönderProdukter kan gå sönder eller läcka så att kvicksilver kommer ut i naturen ändå.Products may break or leak, so that mercury ends up in the environment anyway. Barometrar kan gå sönder och läcka så att kvicksilvret ändå hamnar i naturen.Barometers may break or leak, so that mercury ends up in the environment anyway. Bilen har visst gått sönder.
  • avbrottettI det avseendet är det ett oväntat men välkommet avbrott.In this respect, it is an unexpected welcome break. Ett avbrott på fem dagar kunde man klara av, enligt flygbolagen själva.A five-day break, the airlines said, could be coped with. Vi behöver riktade regler för återanpassning efter perioder av avbrott från arbetet.We need targeted re-integration measures after career breaks.
  • rastenMen människor är inte maskiner som kan arbeta utan att ta rast.Yet human beings are not machines, able to work through without a break. Det är för närvarande möjligt att köra upp till 8 timmar och 59 minuter med bara en rast på 15 minuter.It is currently possible to drive for up to 8 hours and 59 minutes with only a 15-minute break. Vi står inför en situation där människor arbetar i 38 timmar utan rast, vilket övervakningen visar.We are faced with the fact, demonstrated by monitoring, that people are working for 38 hours without a break.
  • brottett
    Det är viktigt att bryta tystnaden kring alla former av brott och i det här aktuella fallet könsbaserade brott.It is essential to break the silence surrounding all forms of crime, and in this case that based on gender. Det är en skandal när en regering kan begå brott mot en lag utan egentliga politiska sanktioner!It is a scandal if a government breaks the law, and can actually do it without any political sanction! De som begår brott eller bryter mot regler skall också kunna straffas för det, även om de kommer från ett annat land.It should also be possible to punish those who break the law or the rules, even if they come from a different country.
  • ta sönderSå kan du inte göra! Då tar du ju sönder den!
  • avbryta
    Också att avbryta Lomé-samarbetet måste höra dit.Breaking off cooperation under Lomé should also be an option here. Men vi kan inte avbryta förhandlingarna, eftersom vi då rubbar vår tidsplan.We cannot, though, have a break, as that would disrupt the timetable. Vi bör avbryta anslutningsförhandlingarna så fort som möjligt.We should break off the accession negotiations as quickly as possible.
  • breakettTretton fredsgrupper, bland andra Bethlehem och Breaking the Silence, är utsatta för en formlig häxjakt.Thirteen pacifist groups, such as Bethlehem and Breaking the Silence, are the victims of a veritable witch-hunt. Det räcker att lyssna till israeliska soldater som i organisationen Breaking the Silence erkänner sitt tvivelaktiga agerande.You only have to listen to Israeli soldiers who admit to their dubious activities on occasions in the organisation 'Breaking the Silence'.
  • brista
    Det nuvarande systemet med ömsesidigt erkännande innebär att kedjan kan brista i sin svagaste länk.The current system of mutual recognition means we are open to chains breaking at their weakest link. Vi står i begrepp att ge oss in i en historisk process där den Europeiska unionen antingen kommer att bära eller brista.We are about to engage in a historic process which in my opinion will either make or break the European Union. BSE-krisen, svinpestfallen och uppkomsten av resistenta salmonellastammar talar sitt oroväckande språk om att grunden för unionens jordbrukspolitik håller på att brista.The BSE crisis, cases of swine fever, and resistant strains of salmonella indicate all too alarmingly that the basis for a Union agricultural policy is breaking up.
  • bryta nedVi måste bryta ned fördomarna.We must break down prejudices. Det är den uppdelningen som vi vill bryta ned.That is the divide we wish to break down. Den andra sorten av tortyr syftar helt klart till att tillintetgöra och bryta ned människor.The other form of torture quite clearly seeks to destroy and break people.
  • brytas
  • forceraHan sade sig vara mycket nöjd med att den amerikanska underrättelsetjänsten på två veckor inte hade lyckats forcera krypteringen.He said that he was extremely pleased to see that the American secret service had tried for two weeks but had not been able to break the encryption. Skidåkaren blev tvungen att forcera för att nå en bättre placering.Soldaterna forcerade fästningen.
  • gå i krasEn man tappade sin påse och en nyinköpt vodkaflaska gick i kras.Mitt äktenskap har gått i kras.Drömmen om en egen familj har gått i kras.
  • ha isär
  • ha sönder
  • krossas
  • pausen
    Om jag får, så kommer jag att fortsätta efter en kort paus.If I may, I will continue after a short break. Vi har också infört flexibilitet när det gäller pauserna.We have also introduced flexibility to the breaks. Dessförinnan kan det bli en kort paus, om debatten avslutas tidigt.Before that, there may be a short break, if we finish the discussion early.
  • slå
    Man får inte ner febern genom att slå sönder termometern.You cannot bring down a fever by breaking the thermometer. Men vi vill i det sammanhanget också slå in på nya vägar med det s.k.But in doing so, we want to break new ground with the HACCP system. Vi måste slå an en positiv ton för att kunna åstadkomma ett genombrott.We must strike a positive note if we are to try to break through the situation.
  • slå inMen vi vill i det sammanhanget också slå in på nya vägar med det s.k.But in doing so, we want to break new ground with the HACCP system. Även inom miljöområdet kan man se nödvändigheten av att slå in på nya vägar, vilka är absolut nödvändiga för en ihållande utveckling.In the environmental sector too, the need to break new ground - which is essential for sustainable development - is being recognized. Jag skall bara slå in presenterna först.
  • sönder
    Vi har sett hur fredsprocessen har fallit sönder.We have seen a peace process break down. Varför vill ni bryta sönder...On what grounds would you want to break... Vi läser dem när maskinen går sönder, och då är det för sent.We read it when it breaks down and it is too late.
  • sprängaDet var en liten förlust som han firade på lämpligt sätt med sina kolleger som den förste att spränga den psykologiska gränsen på 100 US-dollar per fat.It was a small loss that he fittingly celebrated with his colleagues as being the first to break the psychological barrier of USD 100 a barrel. De skall spränga byggnaden om halvannan timme.Vi måste spränga oss genom berget.
  • ta isär
  • uppehållett
    Det är emellertid vanligare att kvinnor gör uppehåll i sina yrkeskarriärer.However, career breaks still tend to be taken more often by women than by men. Vi bör göra ett uppehåll, för vad vi verkligen måste få till stånd är ett eldupphör.We should take a break from that, because what we must do is to bring about a cease-fire. De arbetar utan uppehåll från morgon till kväll, utan att få någon mat, med undantag av lite stekt ris.They work without a break from morning until night, with no food except a small quantity of toasted rice.

Definition av break


  • If the vase falls to the floor, it might break
  • In order to tend to the accident victim, he will break the window of the car
  • His ribs broke under the weight of the rocks piled on his chest
  • She broke her neck
  • He slipped on the ice and broke his leg
  • Can you break a hundred-dollar bill for me?
  • The wholesaler broke the container loads into palettes and boxes for local retailers
  • Her childs death broke Angela
  • Interrogators have used many forms of torture to break prisoners of war
  • The interrogator hoped to break her to get her testimony against her accomplices
  • You have to break an elephant before you can use it as an animal of burden
  • My heart is breaking
  • Ive got to break this habit I have of biting my nails
  • to break silence; to break ones sleep; to break ones journey
  • I had won four games in a row, but now youve broken my streak of luck
  • The recession broke some small businesses
  • When you go to Vancouver, promise me you wont break the law
  • He broke his vows by cheating on his wife
  • break ones word
  • Time travel would break the laws of physics
  • Susans fever broke at about 3 AM, and the doctor said the worst was over.
  • The forecast says the hot weather will break by midweek
  • We ran to find shelter before the storm broke
  • Around midday the storm broke, and the afternoon was calm and sunny
  • Morning has broken
  • The day broke crisp and clear
  • Changing the rules to let white have three extra queens would break chess
  • I broke the RPG by training every member of my party to cast fireballs as well as use swords
  • On the hottest day of the year the refrigerator broke
  • Did you two break the trolley by racing with it?
  • Adding 64-bit support broke backward compatibility with earlier versions
  • break a seal
  • The cavalry were not able to break the British squares
  • Lets break for lunch
  • He survived the jump out the window because the bushes below broke his fall
  • The newsman wanted to break a big story, something that would make him famous
  • I dont know how to break this to you, but your cat is not coming back
  • In the latest breaking news
  • When news of their divorce broke
  • His coughing broke the silence
  • His turning on the lights broke the enchantment
  • With the mood broken, what we had been doing seemed pretty silly
  • Things began breaking bad for him when his parents died
  • The arrest was standard, when suddenly the suspect broke ugly
  • His voice breaks when he gets emotional
  • He broke the mens 100-meter record
  • I cant believe she broke 3 under par!
  • The policeman broke sixty on a residential street in his hurry to catch the thief
  • He needs to break serve to win the match
  • Is it your or my turn to break?
  • The referee ordered the boxers to break the clinch
  • The referee broke the boxers clinch
  • I couldnt hear a thing he was saying, so I broke the connection and called him back
  • to break flax
  • to break into a run or gallop
  • The femur has a clean break and so should heal easily
  • The sun came out in a break in the clouds
  • He waited minutes for a break in the traffic to cross the highway
  • Let’s take a five-minute break
  • a weekend break on the Isle of Wight
  • I think we need a break
  • big break
  • lucky break, bad break
  • [[daybreak
  • daybreak]]
  • at the break of day
  • make a break for it, for the door
  • It was a clean break
  • prison break
  • The final break in the Greenmount area is Kirra Point
  • The fiddle break was amazing; it was a pity the singer came back in on the wrong note
  • Crossing the break smoothly is one of the first lessons the young clarinettist needs to master

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